 The church of Agia Irini
Malathiros is located 21km away from Kastelli and 48 km from Hania on the road: Faleliana- Roka- Sfakopigadi- Malathiros. The village is built at 315 a.s.l , it consists of 4 smaller settlements and is the seat of the municipality with 245 inhabitants.
The village is mentioned at the census of 1577 by Fr. Barozzi .
Sights: The Byzantine church of Agia Irini with well preserved frescoes. There also two other churches, "Kimissi tis Theotokou" and "Astratigos" .
The Fort of Malathiros, 500m to the south, with ruined towers, bastions, water cisterns etc .
History: In 1867 two battles have taken place here, which stopped the forward march of the Turks.

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