Crete :science
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Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas
Voutes, Iraklion
The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) is one of the largest research centers of Greece with well - organised facilities and a highly qualified staff. It functions under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Hellenic Ministry of Development and consists of seven Research Institutes, which are located in various regions of Greece: Heraklion, Rethymno, Patras and Ioannina. The Foundation’s headquarters, as well as the Central Administration offices are located in Heraklion, Crete.

Technical Educational Institute of Crete (T.E.I)
The TEI, located on the beautiful island of Crete, was founded in 1983 in order to provide Higher Technical Education to the students of Greece. Since then it has expanded and developed considerably, and now comprises the Schools of
Applied Technology (also in Chania and Rethimno)
Health & Welfare Services
Management & Economics (also in Agio Nikolao and Ierapetra) and
Agricultural Technology
assisted by he Departments of General Sciences, Foreign Languages and Physical Education. Students at the TEI follow courses for 4 years including lectures and practical work in laboratories. In addition, they complete a work placement and dissertation before graduating.
Education at the TEI offers up to date training in technological subjects and prepares students to develop into skilled, responsible and qualified members of society. With a permanent teaching staff of 200 and approximately 10.000 students the TEI of Heraklion is a thriving academic community with an extensive library, student halls of residence, sport facilities and a health center.
P.O. Box 1939 IRAKLIO, Crete, Greece, GR 710 04 Tel: Fax: +30 281 0379328

Skinakas Observatory
Idi mountain
Located at the top (1750m) of Skinakas mountain of Idi (Ida) mounatin range, 60km from Heraklion. There are two telescopes and modern equipment and facilities both for research and educational activities in astronomy. It is a department of the University of Crete. Skinakas observatory offers a number of open days each year.
This gives the opportunity to visitors to be introduced to the operation of the observatory, to get informed about the latest achievements in Astrophysics and to observe through the telescope.
Open days for the year 2012:
August 26
September 23

During the open days the Observatory facilities can be visited from 17:00 to 23:00. Due to low temperatures at the Skinakas altitude, warm clothes are highly recommended. The visitors will have the opportunity to be guided through the Observatory's infrastructure and follow a related presentation. The road to Skinakas Observatory is very narrow. Accident may occur and the space is limited on the top. For the reasons above, buses are not allowed (advised) to visit the Observatory during open days.
Website : http://skinakas.physics.uoc.gr/

Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC)
Gournes, Iraklion
A modern competitive organisation, IMBBC (part of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research - www.hcmr.gr) is widely recognized as one of the leading institutes in the Mediterranean. Its installations are located at Gournes, near Heraklion, Crete, where its laboratories, administration, library and conference facilities cover 1.500 m2. It has a wide range of state-of-the-art facilities needed to carry out its basic and applied research.

Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS)
Rethymnon city
The Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS) based in Rethymno, Crete, was founded in 1985 and belongs to the research units of the Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas (FORTH). The IMS is the only FORTH centre which deals with the human and social sciences.
The purpose of IMS is to support and invigorate research in the field of the human and social sciences, as well as to promote the application of advanced technologies in the field. The IMS possesses a fully equipped Laboratory of Geophysical-Satellite Remote Sensing (GIS) & Archaeo-environment, specialized in archaeological research. The Library of the Institute is focused on Turkish Studies and Art History. In the Library archival material, as well as collections of Greek and foreign newspapers in digital form and microfilms are kept.
The objective of the IMS's research programs is to study the geographical space, the history and culture of Greece and the other Mediterranean countries in various historical periods, from prehistory to modern times.
In order to achieve these objectives, the research projects of the Institute are organized along the following axes:
Turkish Studies
History Studies
Art History
History of the Theatre - Ethnomusicology
The Laboratory of Geophysical-Satellite Remote Sensing & Archaeo-environment
Its activities concern the field of geophysical research, the satellite remote sensing, the Geo-information technologies and the archaeo-environment, with emphasis on the Mediterranean region. The Laboratory is a member of international organisations such as EPOCH, EARSel. and AGILE and participates in a number of joint research and technology programs in Greece and abroad (e-Content, INTERREG, ARCHIMED, ETPA, PEWNED, EPEAEK, INSTAP, LIFE, Region of Crete).
The research programs of the Institute are carried out by its permanent researchers and collaborating faculty members. In the frame of these research programs are prepared PhD Thesis and other diplomas which are submitted to the higher educational institutions with which IMS collaborates and, particularly, to the University of Crete, the Technical University of Crete and the Technological Educational Institute of Crete. The IMS supports education at post-graduate and post-doctoral level with a considerable number of annual scholarships, thus contributing to attract a steady flow of young researchers and to promote research in the field of humanities at the periphery.
The IMS maintains close academic links with various international research foundations (Cyprus, Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Spain, England, Belgium, Tunesia, Egypt, China, USA, a.o.).
The IMS is administered by a director and a five member academic council (A.C.). It is housed in wholly-owned premises comprising of two listed buildings in the old town of Rethymno. The core of one edifice dates back to the Venetian period (13th - 17th century).

University of Crete
Voutes Iraklion & Rethymno
The University of Crete, is multi-disciplinary, research- oriented Institution, situated in the cities of Rethymnon and Heraklion. It is a University with a well-known reputation both nationally and internationally, with state-of-the art curricula and graduate programmes, considerable research activity and initiatives that reflect its dynamic character. It was established in 1973 and operated during the academic year 1977-1978. Today, approximately 10628 students attend the University. The University's staff consists of 580 Teaching and Research Staff members. Its' operation is supported by more than 400 administrative staff.

Technical University of Crete (www.tuc.gr)
The Technical University of Crete, one of Greece’s Higher Education Institutions, which places emphasis both on education and research, was established in 1977 in Chania Crete and admitted its first students in October 1984. Today, the Technical University of Crete comprises 5 academic engineering departments, the Department of Production Engineering and Management, the Department of Mineral Resources Engineering, the Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, the Department of Environmental Engineering and the Department of Architectural Engineering, assisted in their curriculum by the Sciences Department, all of which have set very high objectives.

The Campus is built on a panoramic location in Kounoupidiana, Akrotiri, 7 km northeast of the city of Chania, with a total area surface of 290 hectares. Off campus, the Department of Architectural Engineering is located at the former French School in Halepa whereas the Rectorate and the rest of the administration offices are located in the heart of the old city of Chania in the Venetian complex of the old barracks and prison.
Website (GR) :http://en.tuc.gr/contact-en.html
Website (EN) :http://en.tuc.gr/contact-en.html
Contact Information at:http://en.tuc.gr/contact-en.html

Park for the Preservation of Flora & Fauna
Akrotiri, Hania
At a time that living organisms are disappearing at an alarming rate, especially through habitat destruction, the Park for the Preservation of Flora and Fauna of the Technical University of Crete, which extends to 30 hectares, constitutes a small but important area where native plants and co-existing animals are protected and can develop without human intervention.
Up to now 250 different plant species that grow naturally in habitats of the Park have been identified, while their systematic documentation is still in progress.
The development of new ecological units (“habitats”) began in areas of the Park that have been cultivated in the past. These will include plant species of Crete that do not grow naturally in the Park. Two such units, the wetland and the coastal habitats have already been launched.

Mediterranean Agronomic Institute Of Chania
Institute dedicated to postgraduate and specialised education, applied research and the development of Mediterranean agriculture. MAICh offers postgraduate programs in the following fields: Business Economics and Management, Geoinformation in Environmental Management, Horticultural Genetics and Biotechnology, Food Quality and Chemistry of Natural Products and Sustainable Agriculture.

Institute of Olive Tree and Subtropical Plants
The Institute for Olive Tree and Subtropical Plants of Chania is one of the Institutes of the National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF), located at Chania, Crete, Greece. The Institute consists of 10 Laboratories, with research activities focused on the following fields: Oliviculture and Post-harvest Physiology, Citriculture, Subtropical Plants, Irrigation and Water Resources Management, Plant Mineral Nutrition and Physiology, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Food Technology, Hydroponic Culture and Aromatic Plants, and Animal Production. The research activities of the Institute are supported by modern facilities, including fully equipped laboratories, glasshouses, 50 ha of experimental fields and collections of genetic material for olive, citrus, subtropical plants and grapevines.

Aliori villas
100% Pure Cretan Nature

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