The Folk Art Museum of Aghios Nikolaos, in collaboration with the "Cultural Society of Eastern Crete", founded in 1978. All the original and important material was generously offered by the Touring Club of Aghios Nikolaos. Since then more objects have been added to the collection.
A visit to the Folk Art Museum will help you to become familiar with the sort of work and activities the people of this area had in the old days. The Museum houses a rich and beautiful collection of hundreds of genuine samples of Cretan popular art and mainly hand woven and embroidered pieces, some of which are unique.
There are some, interesting Byzantine icons to be seen, a complete series of wooden carved small objects, Cretan costumes, household articles, handicrafts and some old manuscripts and books.

The Museum houses also two private collections kindly offered by two well known people of this area (an example for others to follow)
a)General Ioannis Alexakis' Military Arms,
b) Mrs Hrysoula Xanthoudides- Koundourou's special embroidered double faced pieces.
The Museum is open daily except Monday from 09.30 to 13.30 and 17.00 to 21.00
Location: Oposite the bridge, next to the Tourist Information Office
Tel.: (0030) 28410 25 093